Many anti-semites are coming out of the closet

Anti-Semitism reflects the deep hatred towards the Jewish people and is expressed in various more or less violent ways that led as a prelude to different persecutions, murders, harassment of Jewish minorities in the societies in which they resided, defamation, conspiracy theories, infamy, expulsions, inquisition, pogroms and genocides.

Nothing new if we read and study the history of the Jewish people.

What catches my attention is that despite all the documentation that exists and all the historical persecution and injustice committed against Jews to this day, there is a new and intense resurgence of this old cancer that is hatred of Jews.

It is easy to detect the classic anti-Semite that can come from some churches that blame all Jews for the crucifixion of Jesus, or from some neo-Nazi fascist who continues to be inspired by Hitler’s theories, or from some communist or socialist who continues to believe in a false book created in Russia to persecute the Jews called: “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” and which blames the Jews for all the evils of this world. It is also easy to identify anti-Semitism that comes from Islamic doctrines.

For all this, the hatred against Israel is also almost understandable because Israel is a Jewish country and if the world has so many people aligned with the anti-Semitic ideas that I mentioned above, it is natural for them to hate the Jews and that is why Israel’s conflict with the Palestinians is exaggerated and magnified by anti-Semites in a violent way that does not exist in any other conflict and regardless of the fact that in other wars the number of victims has been significantly higher.

It seems like the only problem in the world is Israel. For those who hate Israel, Israel is the biggest problem, because hatred blinds their reason and turns them into irrational, violent and dangerous beings, not only for Jews, but also for the non-Jewish majority society in which they live.

What is surprising is the new anti-Semitism that comes from unconventional sectors, such as universities or private sectors, and has to do with striking propaganda in the world press that has largely aligned itself with Hamas ideology. Hamas’ ideology is clearly anti-Semitic and manifests itself in the destruction of the State of Israel.

I understand and can accept a constructive criticism of Israel, no country is perfect, but the level of perception of who is the victim and who is the perpetrator is more than sad and disappointing, especially after October 7th, when Israel suffered a massacre at the hands of Hamas terrorists.

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How should Israel fight this war against Hamas and what level of criticism does it receive for this?

Israel has been and is constantly harassed since its creation by an immense number of Arab nations, it suffers political aggression of all kinds and terrorist attacks around the world, defamation, boycotts, and despite everything it has prospered like few countries in the world and has contributed to humanity in almost all areas.

Many new anti-Semites, whether due to lack of knowledge, ignorance, bad information, or because the germ of hatred against the Jews was hidden in their souls like a virus installed in their brains, are coming out of the closet and parading en masse with the classics anti-Semites united and holding hands.

These anti-Semites who now give their opinions without knowledge or study, suddenly believe that they are experts on the Middle East, on religion, on human rights, on international politics, on geopolitics, on geography, on humanism, on philosophy, on war, in international rights, in sociology and above all they believe that they are owners of the truth, of course there is only one truth for the anti-Semite and it doesn’t matter if the Jews are right, the truth for an anti-Semite is that the Jews and Israel must disappear and If the Palestinians can be a tool, why not use them? It is not that they are very interested in the Palestinian cause, if Israel’s enemies were also from the barbaric group ISIS or if the Taliban instead of Hamas they would also align themselves with them.

Closets are opening and new anti-Semites are coming out.


Adiel Wajsman

Licensed Tour Guide

November 19, 2023

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